Wednesday, April 25, 2007

David (林玉源)

Lam Ngoc Nguyen 林玉源,
Fremont, Northern California


  1. Wrong! You married on 1991 (see the date stamped on your wedding picture), but please look at Adrienne.... So, you meant in 90's, right?

  2. That was my mistake, I posted these on David's album.
    Hey! What can I say, Andy is always Andy, as good as always ^o^

  3. That was my mistake, I posted these on David's album.
    What can I say, Andy is always Andy, as sharp as always ^o^

  4. Hey, David or Tai, Please tell, where is Lam Thanh? Thanks Paul

  5. Paul,
    He's 林成, sat beside David in 9A, whiter than whiteman, a very quiet and nice guy, you may have known his elder brother 林先 who was one class senior than us.
    When David came, 林成 just got married and lived in Waterloo, 1 1/2 hr from Toronto, whereabout now is unknown.
