Thursday, February 26, 2009


為人樂非己樂而作, 是苦.
為人苦非己苦而不作, 也是苦.

世間無常, 過去無始, 未來無終, 若能将人樂作己樂, 人苦作己苦, 如是苦樂都是樂.

所以你以為人生是苦, 就是苦. 你以為是樂, 就是樂.

光说阿彌陀佛而不作不為, 是無用的.

1 comment:

  1. Saying 阿彌陀佛 is doing and thinking 阿彌陀佛.

    苦 is a word and 樂 is another word, they are 2 different words, that is the beauty of Chinese culture. Only at and from 苦 then we can find 樂, otherwise 樂 is not there yet but 苦 is. The best benefit for every one is, doing 樂 for others and self has 樂 in the same time.

