Thank you for the beautiful cake. ---posted by 黃有為
My in-laws all went back to Saigon to celebrate her 71 birthday. I took the opportunity to invite our local classmates and Brian (HK) to join the occasion.
在宇宙的尺度,無盡的穹蒼之下,我們個別的人生旅程能在此刻交匯,發生的或然率之低簡直是不可思議的奇蹟。 In a cosmic scale, probability of the crossing of our individual paths is so low that the occurrence of such moments is nothing short of a miracle 。。。。 一個屬於知用中學高中第卅六屆(1975)、初中第卅五屆(1972)、小學第卅一屆(1969)、幼稚園第八屆(1963) 的歲月錦囊。 A time capsule for the Chee Yung highschool class of 75.
Start: | Apr 20, '13 |
End: | Apr 21, '13 |
Location: | Los Angeles California, USA |
Status: | OPEN |
Category: | Beauty |