Friday, June 14, 2002


( --- posted by Paul 方志捷 on Jun 14, '02 )

Since Andy mentioned that he likes desserts, if you
have a chance, try a german dessert, a cake for

Saturday, April 13, 2002

Chi 莫瑩芝 & Lu 盧國樑

Sunrise or sunset? It all depends which side on Earth you're watching from...

We're 莫瑩芝 & 盧國樑 while in CheeYung.
Living in Toronto Canada, warm hearts in cold place.
Posted is our journey together on this gorgeous blue planet, please enjoy...
< ***about Lu*** >

Tuesday, April 9, 2002

Welcome !!

( --- posted by Cuong 蔡志強 on Apr 09, '02 )

    Welcoming to the Chee Yung High School Class of 75 Web page. I hope you enjoy the convenient and feartures provided by this web page. Please post your photos, topics for discussion, data files, jokes etc.. and It's free after all..
Truly Yours,
Cuong Thai - Class of 75