Thursday, April 2, 2009

A thought of first learning Buddhism

( --- posted by Paul 方志捷 on Apr 02, '09 )

Saying 阿彌陀佛 is doing and thinking 阿彌陀佛.

苦 is a word and 樂 is another word, they are 2 different words, that is the beauty of Chinese culture. Only at and from 苦 then we can find 樂, otherwise 樂 is not there yet but 苦 is.

The best benefit for every one is, doing 樂 for others and self has 樂 in the same time.



  1. Remember 玉玲 quoted: 樂是苦的開始,也是苦的结束?

  2. In our lifetime, there are many parts, just like 24 hours a day and 7 days a week and 365 days a year, it depends on which part we refer to and it depends on whose life we refer to as well. Shall we point out each part that is and is not 樂 & 苦. There are two important parts are:

    The majority of people have experienced and something we are still in searching.

    In the end, we have 樂 instead of 苦 that counts, we see it often in the Fortune Teller stuff----The Young age, Mid age and The Old age to summarize one's life.

    I don't think you want 樂 to start and 苦 to end. But the reverse. And you definitely don't reject to have 樂 in all your life.

  3. 很多人只想要乐不想要苦。其实若果是苦,只要把苦捱过就可得乐。苦不会永远是苦,而乐也不是永久的快乐。在无常的现象当中,我们有苦也有乐。苦乐参半,成为人生。

  4. 若然大家都同意人生就是苦樂参半, 然則根據數學常理:
    如 A=B, 而 B不等於C, 則 A不等於C.
    在下忽發奇想: ( 請一笑置之 )

    1) 人生 = 苦樂参半, 西方極樂世界 = 只有樂沒有苦, 所以人生不等於西方極樂
    2) 您接受了人生( 的喜怒哀樂 ), 而人生不等於西方極樂, 所以您接受不了西方極樂

    難怪儘管經上說的西方極樂世界如何美好, 天下仍然充斥著年邁蒼老但還不願去的大師, 罪過! 罪過!
    ( 請記住要一笑置之 )

  5. How about if I say three of us are right about 苦 and 樂, simply because we are 50+ and have seen somehow enough of something....but if we use Buddhism terms:

    Both 苦 and 樂 are from our view(s), others shall see differently...just like the old saying "Drinking water, one feels its temperature"...

    The same concept about "Right or Wrong" in Buddhism: It teaches us to know "Right or Wrong", forgive others when it comes to "Mistakes made" but confess and change when it comes to ours....


  6. 我不认为人生可以由数学来推算,因为在人生里头,数学上的等号(=)在我所讲的人生之中是起不了作用的。

  7. 舌劍唇槍皆下品,

    在下寫的祇是一些皮毛, 指鹿為馬, 為大家提供一點生活情趣, 但求博君一哂, 於願已足, 故不能算是厲害。 您小姐潛心修佛, 遨遊天下, 無牽無掛, 那才是真正的難得, 佩服! 佩服!
