In a cosmic scale, probability of the crossing of our individual paths is so low that the occurrence of such moments is nothing short of a miracle
一個屬於知用中學高中第卅六屆(1975)、初中第卅五屆(1972)、小學第卅一屆(1969)、幼稚園第八屆(1963) 的歲月錦囊。
A time capsule for the Chee Yung highschool class of 75.
This web site brings back lots of memories, it lists poems displayed on many temples around Saigon/Cholon, the one caught my eyes on 駙馬廟 is indeed quite good:
故國神遊 ======= Have not found it yet, that 廟宇門聯 link is actually part of the 越華書報社 website (link shown below), I suspect that is all about the author's 夢魂小記: (don't Left click on this link, if you do it will take you out of this site, try Right click instead and select 'Open in New Window' or 'Open in New Tab'.) http://members.shaw.ca/vnlibrary/index.html
Very interesting, is 夢魂小記available?
Have not found it yet, that 廟宇門聯 link is actually part of the 越華書報社 website (link shown below), I suspect that is all about the author's 夢魂小記:
(don't Left click on this link, if you do it will take you out of this site, try Right click instead and select 'Open in New Window' or 'Open in New Tab'.)